Protocol to merge cases and controls

Hello. I have a dataset of cases and a dataset of controls which have been genotyped on different platforms. So, for a particular SNP, it can happen that I have the same allele coding both in cases and in controls; or it can happen that I have in controls the reverse of cases (e.g.: A C in cases and T G or G T in controls). I want to merge the files of cases and controls, but the allele coding should be consistent: which procedure can I follow? Please, let me know. Thanks!

ADD COMMENT • link updated 7.3 years ago by chrchang523 11k • written 7.3 years ago by alessandrotestori7 ▴ 420

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which have been genotyped differently.

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ADD REPLY • link 7.3 years ago by WouterDeCoster 47k Entering edit mode 7.3 years ago ADD COMMENT • link 7.3 years ago by chrchang523 11k Entering edit mode

Thanks, it is very helpful. After the merge fails because alleles are not consistent in cases and controls, I flip alleles in the .missnp file which is generated, thus obtaining new binary files. With these files and the cases I do the merging; the alleles in the .bim files of cases and controls are almost always the same, except for very few cases in which allele1 and allele2 columns are inverted (e.g.: A G in cases and G A in controls). However I can now manage to merge files without problems, so I guess that is not a problem. I am though wondering whether it is fair to have these alleles inverted in cases and controls. Is it a matter of different frequencies?

ADD REPLY • link 7.3 years ago by alessandrotestori7 ▴ 420 Entering edit mode


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ADD REPLY • link 7.3 years ago by WouterDeCoster 47k

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