Abc snap user guide

Troop User Guide A Troop’s Guide to Using Snap™, ABC Bakers’ Online Cookie Sale Management Application

This document is for use by Girl Scout Council customers of ABC Bakers only. All Rights Reserved. Use by unauthorized parties without permission from ABC Bakers is strictly prohibited. Revised 25 August 2010

Table of Contents

Getting Started. 3 Benefits . 3 Minimum Requirements . 3 Recommended Requirements . 4 To Log In . 4 About Snap . 6 Navigating Snap . 7 Recommended Setup . 8 SnapShot. 9 Cookies . 11 Recognitions. 16 MyTroop. 18 Booth Scheduler . 19 Reports . 22 Finances . 24 Help . 24 Online Marketing Tools. 24

Getting Started Snap is an online software application designed to manage your annual Girl Scout Cookie sale. Snap was developed by ABC Bakers and is exclusively available to current Council partners. The address for Snap is Your Community Product Sales Manager will provide you with a user name and password to Snap. If you did not receive a user name or password, please contact one of the Product Sales Staff members to help you at 800-236-2710: Sally Egan x 4304; Terri Graffin x 1142; or Rita Knisely x 3024 OR via email at [email protected]; [email protected]; or [email protected].

Benefits Convenience Ease of use Real-time data collection Centralized database of year-to-year cookie sale information Comprehensive Reporting Online help

Minimum Requirements A PC with a broadband (cable or DSL) connection to the Internet (can be wireless or wired connection. A wireless connection may reduce the speed depending on the speed of the connection.) Screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 Screen display of at least 256 colors Windows: Google Chrome 1.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Mac: Safari 3 Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 (to view Reports in PDF format)* Microsoft Excel 2000 (to view Reports in .xls format)**

Recommended Requirements A PC with broadband (cable or DSL) connection to the Internet (wired connection preferred) Screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher Screen display of 32,000 colors or more Windows: Google Chrome 2.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Mac: Safari 4 Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 (to view Reports in PDF format)* Microsoft Excel 2000 or higher (to view Reports in .xls format)** *Can be downloaded for free from the Internet at **Excel 2007 allows for over 1 million rows of data. Previous versions of Excel are limited to just over 65,000 rows.

To Log In To log into Snap, go to and enter your email address and your password. Note: Your password should be at least six characters long. If you exceed the maximum number of tries at the login, you will be locked out and must contact the Snap Support Help Desk to have your password reset.

When you log in Snap, you will log in using the Snap user name and password provided to you by your Council or by ABC. Usually, your username and password is your email address, but it can also be “dummy” email as long as it is in valid email format, e.g. [email protected]. If you need to change your user name or password, you will need to do so by selecting Edit My Profile in the upper right corner of the page and entering the correct information in the email and/or password field(s). By entering your email address into the system, the Forgot Password functionality on the logon screen will work in case you do forget your password. If you did not receive a user name or password, please contact one of the Product Sales Staff members to help you at 800-236-2710: Sally Egan x 4304; Terri Graffin x 1142; or Rita Knisely x 3024 OR via email at [email protected]; [email protected]; or [email protected].

To use the Forgot Password feature, enter a valid email address in Snap. Click on Forgot Password, enter your email address and click on Reset Password. You will receive and email address with your new password. Each page features a log off button at the top right. The log off button will let you exit the application. Note: Do not use the BACK button on your browser at any time. Using the BACK button will log you off of Snap and your changes will not be saved. If you are set up as a contact for more than one Troop, you will be presented with a drop-down list of Troops to choose which Troop you would like to work with. If you need to log in as a different Troop user, you will need to log off and select the different Troop number when you log back in. Similarly, if you have multiple user roles (e.g. you are a Troop contact and Service Unit contact), you will need to log off and log in for each of the other user roles. Note: To maintain security, your session will time out after 60 minutes of inactivity.

About Snap The Snap menu is located along the top of the page. The menu lists all of the Snap features available to you. The features are broken into sections – Reports, Cookies, Delivery, Recognitions & Proceeds, Finances and Help. Click on a feature name within the section (ex. Manage Orders) to view its contents. To leave a feature, you can click on any other icon. You can also click on the SnapShot logo to return to the home page at any time.

Menu Overview Cookies

Create Recognition Order

Add/Edit/Delete Troop Girls

View all Recognition Orders

Modify Troop Information

Planned Order Transfer Order

Online Help Frequently Asked Questions

Reports Favorite Reports

Navigating Snap Throughout Snap, there are many helpful features for efficient and optimal use. Among them are: Tool Tip rollovers give you simple instructions and explanations for icons used in Snap Grid views allow you to see large amounts of data in manageable sections and to sort the data by clicking on a column heading Pop up screens for fast and convenient data entry Filtering gives you the ability to search or sort data based on the desired criteria Categorized view of orders by order types that allows you to expand and contract the list by clicking the up/down arrow on the right side of the bar Auto-fill automatically enters today’s dates into the date fields for orders and financial transactions Preview It feature on reports gives you the ability to see a preview of the information contained within a particular report, but not your specific data Quick Search allows you to enter the first number or beginning letter in the Search fields for ease of selection. Icons for faster access to each feature Breadcrumbs at the bottom of each screen identify where you are in the application

Recommended Setup It is recommended that you review and set up the following sections in Snap early in the process – before any orders are entered.

Edit My Profile Click on the Edit My Profile link at the top of the page to make changes to your Snap profile. You can change your email address (which is used to log in to Snap), password, and enter your contact information. It’s very important to enter your contact information so that your PSM or the council can reach you if needed.

Manage Troop Girls To manage Troop Girls, choose the Add/Edit/Delete Troop Girls feature located on the MyTroop menu.

Modify Troop Information To edit Troop information, select Modify Troop Information located under the MyTroop menu.

SnapShot The SnapShot home page is the first screen you will see once you successfully log in to Snap. The home page presents a summary view of your Messages, Tasks, Important Dates, Favorite Reports, Charts and Graphs. Clicking the SnapShot icon at the top left of any page will return you to your home page at any time.

Email Messages Snap’s email system: Allows your Council, District, or Service Unit managers to send bulk emails to Troop Contact(s)

Message System Snap’s messaging system: allows your Council, or Service Unit managers to send you messages lists messages, with newest message showing first, on your SnapShot page displays messages by clicking the envelope under Messages

Task Manager Snap’s Task Manager: allows your Council managers to set Tasks for all Troop volunteers at the same time gives the ability for tasks to be tied to important dates

Calendar Snap’s Calendar: shows important dates that have been set by the Council shows your booth schedule dates shows your delivery station pick-up time if applicable

Favorite Reports Snap’s Favorite Reports: shows up to 10 favorite reports that you can choose using the Reports feature reports can be added or removed from this view throughout the season

Cookies Initial Order The Initial Order page allows you to place your Troop’s Initial Order. The Initial Order feature is located under the Cookies menu. Your Troop may only place one initial cookie order. The initial order will be placed for each girl in your troop who sold cookies. Creating the Initial Order for Each Girl To create an Initial Order by girl, the girl names added under Add/Edit/Delete Troop Girls will appear on the order grid. To create the order for each girl, use the Tab key on your keyboard to move through each field and enter the quantity of each variety next to each girl’s name. An optional order reference field is provided. Cookies for booth sales or Troop extras can be entered in the Booths/Extras row. The Extra packages for even cases row displays the packages required to fill the case. For initial orders that are entered in packages, the order grid will also display a row showing the total number of cases, by variety, at the bottom. Cookie Share/Troop Care Note: You will have a ninth column for Cookie Share cookies. On the initial order grid, the Cookie Share cookies are not included in the Total column on the righthand side of the grid. Girls will receive credit for Cookie Share sales but won’t take delivery of these cookies if you are running a Virtual cookie sale. There is no need for Troops to order Virtual Cookie Share cookies by variety since they don’t take delivery of these cookies. If your troop is participating in Troop Care INSTEAD of Cookie Share DO NOT put any cookies in the COOKIE SHARE column. Any cookies listed there WILL NOT be coming to your troop and will be donated to a food pantry within our council. If you are participating in Troop Cares, your troop will use the “extra packages” for making even cases to fill these cookies to donate to a charity of your choosing. These “extra packages” will need to be transferred to each girl after your initial order is placed so she earns credit for them for her incentives. After entering the quantities, you can choose to Save or Commit the order. These choices are explained below: Save - This allows you to save the information that you have entered. You can still make changes to saved orders. To view or change an order that was saved, use the Manage Orders feature to display and edit the order.

Commit – To commit an order means that the order is complete. Once you click the Commit button, a pop-up box will appear confirming that you want to commit the order. Note: Review the order for accuracy. If you need to make changes, you may edit the order. Once you commit an order, you will not be able to make any changes to the order; you will have to contact your Service Unit to make any revisions for you.

Reorder If you need to reorder any additional cookies, please DO NOT use the Reorder feature in SNAP. If you’d like any additional cookies, please contact your Community PSM, Cookie Cupboard or a Product Sales Manager in the Council Service Center closest to you. You may also want to check with other troops in your community to see if they have “extra” cookies which they have not sold yet. If they do, you can easily transfer their extra cookies to your troop using the transfer feature.

Damage Order If you have any damaged cookies, please DO NOT use the Damage Order feature located under Cookies on the menu. Please contact a local cookie cupboard or Product Sales staff member to get replacement product. It is very important that you turn in the box and contents to receive the replacement product as we need to provide the “lot” number to ABC for their information on all damaged cookies and how the box was damaged.

Planned Order The Planned order feature allows Troops to schedule Reorders that can be picked up at predesignated Cupboards. The Planned Order feature is located on the Cookies menu. We currently are NOT utilizing this feature in SNAP. If you’d like any additional cookies, please contact your Community PSM, Cookie Cupboard or a Product Sales Manager in the Council Service Center closest to you. You may also want to check with other troops in your community to see if they have “extra” cookies which they have not sold yet. If they do, you can easily transfer their extra cookies to your troop using the transfer feature.

Transfer Order The Transfer Order feature allows you to create transfers orders for your Troop. Transfers are used to move quantities from one entity to another. The Transfer Order feature is located under Cookies on the menu. To create a Transfer Order, select the Transfer Order feature from the menu and select the type of transfer to continue. Types of Transfer Orders The types of transfer orders available are controlled by permissions. Your list may include: Girl to Girl (completed by Troop Cookie Coordinator – see example below) Girl to Troop (completed by Troop Cookie Coordinator – see example below) Troop to Girl (completed by Troop Cookie Coordinator – see example below) Troop to Troop (completed by Troop Cookie Coordinator – see example below) Troop to Cupboard (completed by Cookie Cupboard Manager or Council Product Staff) Cupboard to Troop (completed by Cookie Cupboard Manager or Council Product Staff) Transfer from Troop to Girl; Girl to Troop; Troop to Troop; or Girl to Girl (You don’t need exact cookie type quantities; you only need to know if the cookies are booth cookies or catch up/extra cookies sold) Click on “cookies” Click on “Transfer order” Click on “add row” Where it asks for type of transfer, choose the one that best fits the situation. More than likely it will be “troop to girl” In the “from” line, choose the “service Unit” and “troop”. This is where the cookies are transferring from. In the “To” line, choose the “service unit”, “troop”, and “girl” (if needed). This is WHO is getting the cookies. Then, depending on the situation, the number of cookies will either go in the “quantity” box or the “booth” box. IF this is a “catch up” order, and the girl will be financially responsible for them, put the cookies in the “quantity” box. IF this is a booth sale where we just want to get the girls the credit for recognitions, put it in the “booth” box. This way the girl is NOT financially responsible for these cookies.

Example of a transfer from Troop to girl (catch up/extra order) “Order Reference”: Catch up order – 11/13/2010 Transfer

From: La Crosse; T4003 To: La Crosse; T4003; Megan Riley Quantity: 6

Example of a transfer from Troop to girl (booth sales distribution) “Order Reference”: booth sale on 11/13/2010 Transfer

From: La Crosse; T4003 To: La Crosse; T4003; Megan Riley Booth: 26

Manage Orders The Manage Orders feature allows you to commit orders or make revisions to pending orders. The Manage Order feature is located on the Cookies menu.

When you click on Manage Orders, a page will appear displaying the orders categorized by order types. Use the green down/up arrow key on the far right of the blue bar to expand/contract the list of orders within each order type. A list of the orders will display with the status of each order. When the orders are displayed, you can roll your mouse over the order number to view a sampling of the data contained within that order. Note: To protect the integrity of your data, orders that have been committed can only be uncommitted by your Product Sales Manager or Council Product Sales staff.

Viewing Individual Orders Clicking an order number link will display that specific order in the order screen. Editing Orders Highlight the order you are editing and double-click. When the order is displayed, type the new quantities. Use the Tab key on your keyboard to move through the fields. When finished, click on the Save or Commit button. Committing Orders Click on the order number you want to commit. When the order is displayed, review the order for accuracy. This is your last chance to edit the order. If you notice an error, make the necessary adjustments. If the order is correct, click the Commit button. Once you click the Commit button, a pop-up will appear confirming that you want to commit the order.

Cookie Share The Cookie Share feature allows you to keep track of the amount of cookies that went toward Cookie Share during the sale. The Cookie Share feature is located on the Cookies menu. After the sale is complete, click on Cookie Share to specify the number of Cookie Share packages each girl sold for Cookie Share over the course of the sale.

Recognitions Create Recognitions Order To create your Troop’s recognition order, select Create Recognitions Order located under the Recognitions menu. It is VERY important that you have all cookie order transfers in for each girl prior to creating your recognition order. It will make things much easier on you. If you have transfers after your order is created, we do have instructions for updating your recognition order a litter further down in this manual. Main Recognition Order To create a Main Order, select Create Recognition Order located under Recognitions on the menu and then click Main. The automated recognition feature will only work if girls are displayed on the recognition order grid. If auto recognition is enabled, the quantities for each girl will be populated based on the criteria designated in the plan assigned to the Troop. Because of the various options that we have at each recognition level, you will need to indicate

the incentive each girl has chosen at each level. This information can be obtained from her signed parent permission slip. Once the recognitions order is complete, click Save or Commit to complete the order. Click Cancel to reset the selections without making changes.

View All Recognitions Orders To manage recognition Orders, click on View All Recognitions Orders located under Recognitions on the menu. The Manage Orders page will appear displaying the different order types. Use the green down/up arrow key on the far right of the blue bar to expand/contract the list of orders within each order type. A list of the orders will display with the status of each order. When the orders are displayed, you can roll your mouse over the order number to view a sampling of the data contained within that order. To edit an order in this screen, move your mouse over the order number and a pop-up screen will appear revealing a preview of order details. Click the order number to view the entire order. Use the tab key to go tab through the order and to change quantities. Click Save or Commit to complete the order. Click cancel to reset the selections without making changes. Once changes are complete, you can Save or Commit the order. Click Cancel to reset selections without making changes.

Updating a recognition order for a troop If a troop sold more cookies either through booth sales or catch up orders OR if a troop had extra cookies to make full cases that were assigned to the girl(s) who sold them, a troops recognition order will need to be updated. Click on “recognitions” Click on “view recognition order”. You ONLY click on “create” recognition order the very first time an order is entered for the troop. At the Troop level, it brings up a screen with 6 types of orders. The last one is the “recognition orders” Click on the white down arrow on the right of the “recognition orders” row. This expands the row to show the recognition order # and date the original order was created. It will also tell you if it needs to be “reviewed” If it says “review”, click on the date and order #. At the very top in Red, the screen says, “This recognition order must be updated before it can be modified.” Go all the way to the bottom of the order and click “update”. After you click, it says, “This will update your recognition order with the latest girl sales. Please save the order on the next page to keep all updates.” Click “ok”

Make any updates to each girls recognition order as necessary as well as looking to confirm that the rest of her order is correct. After all updates have been entered, click “save”. Only click “commit” at the very end of the sale timeline.

MyTroop Add/Edit/Delete Troop Girls To add a girl, click on Add New Girl. Enter her name and complete this process for each girl that you wish to add. To delete a girl, click the delete icon. Note: A girl with orders may not be deleted but can be made inactive by removing the check from the Active box.

T To edit a girl, double click on her name in the Girl grid and update the appropriate information. Complete this process for each girl that you wish to edit. Click the Edit Girl button to save changes.

Edit Troop Information To edit your Troop level, delivery station, Proceed and Recognition Plan. Depending on the way your Council customizes Snap for your sale, you may or may not have the ability to edit all of these fields. You must enter a troop contact name and email address. You can also enter information here for an additional Troop contact.

Booth Scheduler Snap gives Troop users the ability to find and request booth sales that have been set up by your Council office. Additionally, Troop users have the ability to submit requests for new booth sales. Find and Schedule a Booth Sale To sign up for a booth sale, go to the Cookies, highlight Booth Scheduler and then choose Schedule Booth Sale from the sub-menu. On the Schedule Booth Sale page, you will have the ability to request up to a specific number of booth sales based on your Council’s system setup. To find and request a Booth Sale time and location, use the Search box to enter the desired chain name, city or zip to identify matching sale locations. If you know you’d like to stay within a certain area in a neighborhood, you can also enter a ZIP code for that area and the number of miles to search within. Click the Search bar and you will be presented with a Result Set, which can be sorted, by any of the columns. To choose the one you would like, double click on the desired location. A pop-up calendar will appear showing you all available dates for that location. By moving the cursor over the Available date on the calendar, you will be presented with a calendar showing available times on that date. Click on the Available date that you would like to schedule, and then choose a time. Your selected location(s), date(s) and time(s) will be displayed on the Schedule Booth Sale page. Repeat this process for all of your requested Booth Sales. Note: The Booth Scheduler feature will first be run on a random assignment basis on a date specified by your Council. You may want to request more Booth Sales than you will need since you may not receive all your requests. You will have the ability, after the random assignment is complete, to deselect and/or select a different Booth Sale(s).

Booth Sale Notification Process When your Council completes the random generation process, you will be notified via email to the Troop’s contact(s) of your Booth Sale assignments. The email will include the date, time, location and any special notes that have been entered. The Troop contact (s) will also be notified via email if your Troop does not receive an assignment. Booth Sale Mapping Function By clicking on the map next to a booth location, a pop-up Google map of the location will be presented.

Request Booth Sales To have a booth sale approved by your Council, go to Request New Location found on the Cookies, Booth Schedule menu. Complete all information on the page by tabbing through the fields on the screen and entering the appropriate information. Enter the date of the sale by entering the date in MM/DD/YYYY format or by clicking the date from the calendar pop-up. Select the times and click Add Time to save. When you are finished, you can click the Save button to save your work and submit your request to your Council for approval. Click the Cancel button to clear the information. Note: Booth sales that have been submitted to the council cannot be edited or deleted. Notification Process When your Council approves your booth sale, you will be notified via email to the Troop’s contact(s). View All Booth Sales To view all of your Troop’s booth sales, go to the Find and Schedule Booth sale page. Your SnapShot calendar will also display your booth sales.

Delivery Snap allows Troops to schedule appointments to pick up product from delivery stations that are set up to accept appointments. Schedule Pick Up If the delivery station assigned to your troop is set up to accept appointments, you may schedule appointments using the Schedule Pick Up feature. This feature is located under

Delivery in the MyTroop menu. Most Product Sales Managers have you schedule directly with the time to pick up your troops cookies. Your troop may not schedule an appointment unless your initial order has been entered and committed in Snap. To schedule a pick up, click Schedule Pick Up. A calendar will come up that displays the days that are available to be scheduled. Click Available Slots on the desired day to set up an appointment. A pop-up box will appear with specific time slots. Click the + sign next to the desired timeslot. A message will confirm the time selected date and time. Click Close to complete the operation.

View Pick Up Times To quickly view or delete appointments that have already been scheduled, click on the View Pick Up Times feature located on the MyTroop menu. Click Add Appointment to schedule an appointment from this page as well. A calendar will come up that displays the days that are available to be scheduled. Click Available Slots on the desired day to set up an appointment. A pop-up box will appear with specific time slots. Click the + sign next to the desired timeslot. A message will confirm the time selected date and time. Click Close to complete the operation. To delete an existing appointment, click the delete icon at the end of the row.

Reports Snap allows you to run a variety of reports to review information about your cookie sale. Reports are located under the Reports menu and are generated in real time, which means that as soon as you enter information, you will be able to view the current information via the reports. Reports are divided into the following categories for easier use: Charts/Graphs Reports allows you to run a variety of charts and graphs to show a picture for fast data analysis. List Reports displays information about Troops, delivery stations, banks etc. Order Reports allow you to view orders individually. One order per page will be displayed. This is an easy way for you to view information about a single order and may be a fast way to check against paperwork. SnapShot Reports are the reports that display on your SnapShot home page. Summary Reports are the most comprehensive reports available to you. They show the most information as possible on a page.

Reports are available in the following formats: HTML - This type will give you a browser-formatted view of the report, but it is not formatted to print on a standard piece of paper. PDF – This type will available as a .PDF file which can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Text – This type will make data available in a tab delimited text file

Favorite Reports To make the reporting process simpler and more efficient, Snap gives you the ability to identify your favorite reports. To set a Favorite Report, click on Reports. Select a Report Category and a Report. Click Add to Favorites. A pop-up will appear to confirm that you want to add the report to your favorites. Click Ok to proceed. The selected report will now show up as a favorite. Click the delete icon to remove it from your favorites view.

Finances Financial transactions are records of money that is collected or credited during the cookie sale. Click the Finances icon to add, view and edit your financial transactions. To enter transactions at the Troop level, click on Add New Troop Transaction. You must select the Bank, Troop and Type of transaction. Enter the amount and any reference number or notes and click Save to save changes. If you click Close, selections will be reset and changes will not be saved. You can also enter a Girl level transaction to record money paid by the girl to the troop. To enter a girl deposit, click Add New Girl Transaction. Click on the down arrow key to select a girl. Enter the amount and any reference number or notes and click Save to save changes. If you click Close, selections will be reset and changes will not be saved.

Help Online help is available in Snap. The Help files are located in the Help menu. When you click on the Help menu, a window will pop up giving you information about the section that you are currently working in. Additionally Frequently Asked Questions are available by clicking FAQ on the Help menu. To contact ABC, choose the Contact Us option on the Help menu.

Online Marketing Tools Online Marketing Tools were launched to provide a secure email-based method for girls of all ages to market their cookies to friends and family. These tools allow girls to create a contact list of friends and family to notify them that they are conducting a cookie sale. Those contacts can

then submit an online order to the girl. Orders accepted through the email application are fulfilled in person; no funds change hands online.

The online tools are available to girls during the Troop sale dates that have been set in your Council Preferences. If you have not set your Council Preferences (including your correct sale dates and your sales price per box), or if your Council name in Snap does not exactly match your Council name in the ABC Smart Cookies site, the tools will not work.

Online Cookie Markeing To send e-cards to friends and family, Troop girls must log in to the Cookie Zone via the ABC Smart Cookies website at and click on the Online Cookie Marketing Tab. My Contacts To create a contact list, she clicks on the My Contacts tab and enters contact information, including email address for all of her contacts.

Send an E-card To send an e-card, she clicks on the Send An E-card tab. She will select the desired card and the friend or family member to whom the card will be sent. She can send any number of cards and can send multiple cards to one contact. She will be able to view all cards sent by clicking on the View E-Cards sent tab. Once the e-card has been sent, the girl’s contact (s) will receive an email with the request to buy cookies. If he/she is going to place on order, he/she will click on the “Buy Some Now!” link and an Online Order Card will pop-up. The order card must be completed and submitted. Once the order has been accepted by the girl, the contact will receive another email asking for confirmation of the order. Once the order has been confirmed, it will show as confirmed on the girl’s View Orders tab and then she can update her progress in Catch Goals. Submitting Online Orders When the Order Card is due, the girl will print out her online orders from Catch Goals. She clicks on the View Orders Tab and selects Run Order Card Report. She can print the form and add it to her paper order card, or she can turn it in directly to her Troop Leader. Note: These cookie orders are then treated the same way as orders on the Traditional Order Card in terms of delivery and payment.

Facebook In addition to the e-cards that are available, girls 13 and over can use Facebook to market cookies. The Facebook application allows girls to notify Facebook friends to let them know that she is conducting a cookie sale and allows those friends to submit an online order card. Orders accepted through Facebook are fulfilled in person, no funds change hands online.

My Girl Scout Cookie Connector To begin, the girl follows a link from Catch Goals to Facebook and then logs into her Facebook account. She must accept the application, My Girl Scout Cookie Connector, and load it on to her page. Once the application is loaded, her personal and Troop Goals are imported from Snap. The Girl has the option of adding her progress meter (thermometer) onto her Profile page. From the My Goals tab, she can create a Sales Activity plan, set Personal Learning Goals and describe her Advocacy.

Send Gifts In order to send the online order request, the girl must send gifts to her friends from the My Friends tab. She selects a gift and selects the friends to whom it will be sent. For security purposes, gifts can only be sent to a girl’s Friends or to people for whom she has a valid email address. When she clicks send, a dialogue box opens which allows her to add a personalized message if desired. She clicks Send again and the Gift is sent. Accepting Gifts Once the gift has been sent, the friend will see notification on his/her page that he/she has a gift. Once the gift is accepted, the girl’s personal message, advocacy and information about her sale will appear and the friends is directed to an online order card. The friend can add the gift to his/her Feed Wall, increasing visibility of the sale. Online Order After the friend has accepted the gift and filled out the online order card, he/she will be prompted to confirm the order before it is sent back to the girl’s Catch Goals account. Confirmed orders will show up in the friend’s Feed Wall and the girl’s Catch Goals account. From her Catch Goals account, Girl must accept each order for it to be valid and included on her final tally. She will see all contact information from the customer, and she can decline the order if, for example, it is from an unknown person. Catch Goals and Facebook synchronize their progress meters, so Girl can update sale information in either place. As she passes various milestones, new badges are unlocked in Facebook. Submitting Online Orders When the Order Card is due, the Girl will print out her online orders from Catch Goals. She clicks on the View Orders Tab and selects Run Order Card Report. She can print the form and add it to her paper order card, or she can turn it in directly to her Troop Leader. Note: These cookie orders are then treated the same way as orders on the Traditional Order Card in terms of delivery and payment. Safety Note: Only friends of the Girl have the ability to load the application. This prevents people unknown to the girl from submitting orders. We have provided a link to GSUSA’s Cookie Program Activity Guide, where a link to “411 on Internet Safety” and the “Internet Safety Pledge”. can be seen. These documents facilitate girls learning how to use online tools responsibly.